Thursday, August 15, 2013

Looking for lost sheep

Querido familia,                             12 de Agosto 2013

So maybe a month ago I was talking about a man whom we had begun teaching named Lisandro. He is the one who was a reformed convict that knew a ton of stuff about the scriptures. Well we weren't able to ever find him for the longest time until last Wednesday night.

We were walking down the street and we saw a guy across the street who turned toward us and got a big smile on his face. We walked up to him as we crossed the street and realized that it was Lisandro. He told us that his landlord didn't want us coming by anymore, so that's why we haven't been able to find him (his landlord is an evangelist that claims to be a prophet). He also told us that his name was actually Luciano and that he just never corrected us before. 

It was really funny though because no one can ever remember ELder Reynolds name (it's just too long and difficult to say) and everyone just remembers mine. So Luciano told us that he was thinking to himself, "When am I going to see them again? I remember that one of their names was "Burt," but how am I going to find them?" Well we kind of found each other. 

It's still a tough situation though, because he is still living where he used to and we can't teach him there because we aren't welcome there. 

Last Sunday I mentioned that we started teaching a girl named Soledad Pavón and her friend Noemi Acuña. Well the second time that we went to meet with them went really well. Soledad had lost the page that we had marked for her to read, so she just started reading the introduction She never said that she had read it, but we knew later on because Noemi asked the question, "Who is Mormon?" and Soledad, without even hesitating, said, "Oh, he's a prophet." So we're happy with the iniciative on her part to be proactive in reading.

The next time we went by to visit Soledad and Noemi, one of the sisters from the branch, Silvia Gonzalez, went with us to teach them. It worked out really well because Silvia was telling them the story of her conversion. She said tht when the Elders would teach her that she would always be told that she needs to read and pray, but would never do it for one reason or another. Then one day she finally did it and prayed about the Book of Mormon and recieved a testimony. So that was really cool to have her with us in that lesson; for her to say, "I was once in your position and I did what they're asking you to do. And it works; it's real."

So on Saturday night, we were talking with a less-active family and they told us that there had been a crash not far from their house the night before between a traveling bus and a truck that was really bad. Then later that night I realized that we had plans to be in that area where the crash had happened, but for some reason we never made it over there and avoided the crash all together. So whether we were guided away from it or it was just a coincidence I don't know, but all the same I know that all things work together for our good.

os amo,

Elder Burt

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