Querida familia, 14 de Octubre 2013
So we spent the night on Monday with two of my previous companions, Elder Sacalxot and Elder Humphries. So we all had a good time sharing stories and talking about what has happened and what we had previously done together.
Later that day when we had gotten back to Campo Largo, we were walking along and there were four or five girls who were grouped up in front of a store whom were looking at us as we got closer to passing them when all of the sudden they started to say things to me like, "hey, my love," "my life." they must not have known that my mom said that I can't bring any Argentine girls home with me. The next day one of those girls was sitting on the back seat of a moped that passed us and she made a kissing sound and again called out, "my life!"
I feel like we got a lot of things done on Tuesday, because not only did we have trainings and interviews, but I also gave three people haircuts. My clippers are wireless, so I brought them with us to go meet with Hugo and Omar because I had offered them haircuts and they were more than ready to accept. They had their doubts, but I assured them by saying, "I cut mine own hair." Hugo wanted a guarantee that all the women would fall in love with him. I don't know how he knew that all the girls are crazy for me because we never said anything about the aforementioned incident to him.
what was interesting about the hair cuts was that for the first time we saw that Hugo had a cross tattooed onto his forehead. We still haven't decided how it got there or why he got it.
As far as progress goes for baptisms, Omar and Marta came to church for the second time now and they are enjoying it. We're still waiting for the papers for Hugo and Belki's marriage license, but Belki already had her baptismal interview and all ready to go. We couldn't check on the progress of the papers because it's a holiday here and the government buildings are closed, but tomorrow Hugo is going to get his interview. We had planned to do it at the same time that Belki had her's, but on his way home from work, Hugo's moped broke down and he had to walk and didn't get home until midnight; and frankly, we just can't wait that long.
So we've had three days of rain here this week, which means that the bugs are seeking refuge. In two days, we found three cockroaches in our apartment, but we've never had them before. So we supposed that they had to be coming in from somewhere else, because they havn't been a problem before. Well, that was exactly what the problem was; there is a drain in the foyer area and they had been coming in from there. So we read in Alma chapter thirty one, verse five that,
"the word... had more powerful effect upon the... than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God."
So that's what I did; I put a box full of the book of Mormon on top of the drain to block the whole and we haven't had a single cockroach since.
os amo,
Elder Burt

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